SABIC (Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation) is a Saudi diversified manufacturing company, active in chemicals and intermediates, industrial polymers, fertilizers, and metals. It was the world's fourth largest chemical producer in 2013. It is currently the second largest global ethylene glycol producer and is expected to top the list after the introduction of new projects.
A major UK Sabic petrochemical facility on Teesside recently completed a roll out of a “Felt leadership” programme entitled Talking about Care (TAC). The programme comprised of classroom based didactic training, followed by experiential learning and on site safety coaching. Gauged Solutions have been instrumental in the roll out of this programme and have embarked on over 200 site based hours of coaching and the equivalent in a classroom training environment.
The programme has shown tangible signs of ongoing improvement in terms of proactive and reactive indicators of safety, which are regularly reviewed against its own internal KPI’s and indeed the wider business as a whole.
The programme was further supplemented with training in coaching and intervention skills for TAC champions who help facilitate the ongoing evolvement of the programme and are formed from a cross section of the workforce, which is driven and fully supported by the Sabic’s leadership team.
The successes of the programme has encouraged the wider business to adopt a similar approach, whereby further training will be rolled out during the summer of 2016.