SSIP was founded in May 2009 to streamline the pre-qualification of contractors engaged by companies to ensure that they are competent to perform their activities and is an umbrella body that encourages straightforward mutual recognition between its Assessment Member Schemes including CHAS, Constructionline, Avetta, Considerate Contractor and Achilles to name but a few.
Gauged Solutions have a team of qualified SSIP auditors who are experienced in assessing against the framework and core criteria set out by SSIP and PAS 91. Our aim is to ensure that we provide a service to the these Assessment Member Schemes above to ensure they meet the respective standards.
CHAS (The Contractors Health and Assessment Scheme) provides a 3rd party assessment scheme for contractor health and safety assessments and pre-qualifications which complies with SSIP Safety Schemes in Procurement) and PAS91 and our experienced and qualified team act as CHAS assessors in reviewing applications submitted to CHAS to ensure that they meet the legal, SSIP and CHAS standards of approval.