It was a ‘Hard Days Night’ for the Gauged Solutions team at our annual Nightrider Charity event. We had a ‘Ticket to Ride’ in the Liverpool venue and Prostate Cancer UK was the beneficiary of over £3000 raised in sponsorship.
Gauged Solutions seven member Peloton in Lycra began their epic 100km at 11.45pm on 16th July with all the enthusiasm of a team having forgotten the challenges of the previous year. Five minutes into the ride Queens Tunnel provided a relaxing freewheel downwards and a leg burning climb out the other side, a stark reminder of the night ahead!
The ‘Long and Winding Road’ led us along New Brighton up to Royal Liverpool Golf Club with a stop en route for some bike maintenance as a team member was battling with a flat tyre and required a seat level change. ‘With a Little Help from My Friends’ the team were back on form and relaxing into a steady pace up to West Kirby and on to our first refreshment stop at Caldy Sports Club. With 35km done and a pretty quiet, steady ride the team were upbeat and confident.
Back in the saddle navigating very dark country roads and some tricky climbs the next 15km were spent in quiet determination with team members breaking into small groups of comradeship. In the early hours of the morning we passed through Port Sunlight with the distinct smell of chocolate muffins wafting in the air around us.
Queens Tunnel loomed again before us but this time our legs had warmed up and with the realisation that time was ticking on we smashed the climb out the other end and regrouped at the half way mark nearby.
‘Yesterday’ seemed so far away and still in darkness the second 50km route began. There was no ‘Yellow Submarine’ to aid our journey around Albert Docks just sheer leg power. We powered on up through Liverpool City passing the iconic Cavern Club and Empire Theatre. The buzz of the City with traffic lights and inebriated nightclub clientele woke the senses and boosted our spirits.
‘Penny Lane’ was in our hearts and on our route up through the streets of Liverpool and a 15km uphill pedal to Alderhey Childrens Hospital. Fatigue mentally and physically was endured on this part of the route and the break at the Hospital came just in time. The support staff gave us much needed ‘Help’ in the form of energy bars and motivational encouragement and we were on our way again.
‘Here Comes the Sun’ with the beautiful sound of the ‘Blackbird’ and team spirits are refreshed and invigorated for the last 20km. Aintree galloped towards us and with another hurdle jumped was a distant memory. The home of the Toffees, Goodison Park was chewed up and tackled with ease. The team took on the Reds in the Kop next and left them for dust. With the last few kilometres to go the team were focussed on beating last years’ time!
After being ‘Here There and Everywhere’ the team couldn’t wait to ‘Get Back’ via the Princess Docks and as we ‘Come Together’ for the final kilometre ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ crossing the finish line and break last year’s record!
With medals received and a well-earned bacon sandwich Gauged Solutions Team couldn’t wait for some ‘Golden Slumber’. Well done to all Team members old and new who battled against the odds to complete this magnificent challenge. As we wave ‘Hello, Goodbye’ to Liverpool Nightrider 2016 we ‘Don’t Let Me Down’ and sign up for next year!!?
(ps I couldn’t quite get all 409 Beatles songs into the report but did my best!)